This February marks PTA's 110th Founders Day. This day commemorates the legacy of PTA's founders Phoebe Apperson Hearst and Alice McLellan Birney, as well as Selena Sloan Butler, the founder of Georgia's Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers, which merged with PTA in 1970. These were women of imagination and courage who understood that everyday people, banded together to accomplish a common mission, could change the world. PTA has clung close to the mission and purposes of our founders to support parent involvement and work on behalf of all children and families. We have a lot to be proud of, but our work continues. Founders
Day is a time of celebration and a chance to renew our commitment to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for parents, and a strong advocate for public education.
In 2006, National PTA decided to extend our celebration to the community by holding its first-ever "Take Your Family to School Week" during the week of Founders Day. This new event was a great success in welcoming families to get to know their children's world at school. It was an excellent example of the kind of participation our founders hoped PTA would encourage.
Founders Day is February 17. We encourage you to plan and promote your own Take Your Family to School Week events.
Look for more information on the event from National, State and Taconic Region PTA in the coming weeks and get ready to celebrate PTA.